20 Best LongTerm Crypto Investments For 2023

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Cryptocurrencies have been around for over a decade now, and they have established themselves as viable investment option. In the early days, crypto was seen as a risky investment, but that has changed in recent years.

With the rise of stablecoins, DeFi, and institutional interest, crypto is now seen as a more stable and viable investment option. And with the increasing popularity of NFTs, there is no doubt that crypto will continue to grow in popularity in the years to come.

If you are looking for the best long-term crypto investments for 2023, then you have come to the right place. In this article, we will discuss the 20 best long-term crypto investments for 2023.

What is a long-term investment?

Credits: Image by techdailyca from unsplash

A long-term investment is an investment that is held for a period of more than one year. Long-term investments are usually made in assets that are expected to appreciate in value over time.

Cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency that uses cryptography to secure its transactions. It is decentralized, which means it is not subject to government or financial institution control. Cryptocurrency is a new asset class that has the potential to change the way we think about money. Cryptocurrency is borderless, permissionless, and censorship-resistant. These characteristics make crypto a good long-term investment.

factors to consider before investing in crypto

The team working on the crypto

The use case of the crypto

The community behind the crypto

The liquidity of the crypto

Tokenomics of the project

Fundamentals of the cryptocurrency

Don’t risk money you can’t afford to lose

Crypto investment platform

Types of crypto investment strategies

There are many different types of crypto investments, each with its own benefits and risks.

Buying and holding

One of the most popular types of crypto investments is buying and holding digital currency, also known as “HODLing.” When you buy and hold digital currency, you are essentially investing in the future of that currency. If the currency you hold increases in value, then you will make a profit. However, if the currency decreases in value, then you will incur a loss.

Crypto trading

Another popular type of crypto investment is trading. Crypto trading is similar to Forex trading, except that you are trading digital currencies instead of fiat currencies. If you are a skilled trader, then you can make a lot of money by trading crypto. However, if you are not a skilled trader, then you could end up losing all of your investment.


Mining is also another type of crypto investment. When you mine for digital currency, you are essentially helping to verify transactions on the blockchain. In return for your efforts, you are rewarded with a small amount of digital currency.

Arbitrage trading

You can also do arbitrage between exchanges. This involves buying a currency on one exchange and then selling it on another exchange for a higher price. This is a bit riskier than simply buying and holding or trading, but it can be very profitable if done correctly.

Staking crypto

Staking is also a common crypto investment. With staking, you essentially lock up your digital currency in a wallet for a certain period of time. In return, you are rewarded with interest in your investment.


Finally, you can also invest in ICOs. ICO stands for “initial coin offering.” When an ICO is launched, a new digital currency is created. Investors can then buy this new currency with fiat currency or with other digital currencies. If the ICO is successful, then the new currency will increase in value and you will make a profit. However, if the ICO fails, then you could lose all of your investment.

Why you should consider long-term crypto investments

Long-term crypto investments offer a number of advantages.

First, long-term investments are less volatile than short-term investments. This means that they are less risky and more stable.

Second, long-term investments have the potential to appreciate in value over time. This means that you can potentially make a lot of money if you invest in the right crypto assets.

Third, long-term investments offer diversification. This means that you can spread your risk by investing in a number of different assets.

Fourth, long-term investments are more flexible than short-term investments. With this, you can choose to sell your investments at any time, without penalty.

Finally, long-term investments offer tax advantages. This means that you can defer or avoid capital gains taxes on your profits.

How to get started with long-term crypto investments

If you are interested in making long-term crypto investments, then there are a few things you need to do.

First, you need to choose the right crypto assets. You should consider factors like the asset’s track record, liquidity, community, and development team.

Second, you need to choose the right exchange. You should consider factors like the exchange’s fees, security, and user experience.

Third, you need to choose the right wallet. You should consider factors like the wallet’s security, user experience, and support assets.

Finally, you need to set up your account and start investing.

The best long-term crypto investments for 2023

If you are looking for the best long-term crypto investments for 2023, then you should consider the following:


Bitcoin is the most popular and well-known cryptocurrency. It is a decentralized, peer-to-peer electronic cash system. Bitcoin is a store of value and a payment system. It is limited in supply and is not subject to inflation. Bitcoin is a good long-term investment because it has a strong track record, it is the most liquid cryptocurrency, and it has a broad range of uses.


Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts. It is used to build decentralized applications (dApps). Ethereum is a good long-term investment because it has a strong development team, a wide range of applications, and a large community.


XRP is a digital asset that is used to make payments. It is a good long-term investment because it is highly liquid, it has a strong development team, and it is being used by major companies.


Litecoin is a Bitcoin fork. It is a good long-term investment because it has a strong development team, it is well-established, and it is a popular payment method.


Monero is a privacy-focused cryptocurrency. It is a good long-term investment because it has a strong development team, it is private and secure, and it has a wide range of uses.


Avalanche is a smart contracts platform. It is a good long-term investment because it has a strong development team, it is scalable, and it has a wide range of uses.


Cardano is a blockchain project that is often touted as a major long-term investment opportunity. It is a third-generation blockchain platform that aims to provide a more scalable and decentralized platform than existing blockchain solutions. It has a strong team of developers and a growing community. Cardano is an intriguing investment opportunity because it has the potential to become a major player in the blockchain space. While the project is still in its early stages, it has a lot of potential and is worth keeping an eye on for the long term.


Solana is a fast and secure decentralized finance protocol. It aims to provide a more efficient and scalable platform for DeFi applications. Solana has a strong team of developers and a growing community. Solana is an intriguing investment opportunity because it’s one of the few protocols that offer high throughput and low latency. While the project is still in its early stages, It has a lot of potential and is worth keeping an eye on for the long term.


Polygon is a protocol that enables the scaling of Ethereum. It is a good long-term investment because it has a strong development team, it is well-established, and it is a popular payment method.

Binance (BNB):

Binance is a cryptocurrency exchange. It is a good long-term investment because it has a strong development team, it is well-established, and it has a wide range of uses.


TRON is a blockchain platform that enables the development of decentralized applications. It is a good long-term investment because it has a strong development team, it is well-established, and it has a wide range of uses.


Polkadot is a cryptocurrency that has been gaining in popularity in recent years. While it is still relatively new, there is reason to believe that it has the potential to become a long-term investment.

Here are some things to consider if you are thinking about investing in Polkadot:

– The team behind Polkadot is experienced and has a strong track record.

– Polkadot is backed by a major exchange (Kraken) and a large venture capital firm (Sequoia Capital).

– It has a strong community and is actively developed.

– Polkadot is designed to be scalable and interoperable with other blockchain protocols.

As with any investment, there are risks involved. However, if you do your research and invest wisely, Polkadot could be a wise long-term investment.


Chainlink is a decentralized oracle network that provides data to smart contracts. It is a good long-term investment because it is well-established and has a strong development team. Furthermore, Chainlink is used by major projects such as Google Cloud, so it has real-world utility.

Here are some things to consider if you are thinking about investing in Chainlink:

– The team behind Chainlink is experienced and has a strong track record.

– Chainlink is well-established and is used by major projects such as Google Cloud.

– Chainlink is actively developed and has a strong community.


Monero is a privacy-focused cryptocurrency that is secure, private, and untraceable. It is a good long-term investment because it has strong fundamentals and a committed development team. Additionally, Monero has significant real-world utility and is actively used by people all over the world.

Here are some things to consider if you are thinking about investing in Monero:

– The team behind Monero is experienced and has a strong track record.

– Monero has strong fundamentals and is actively developed.

– Monero has significant real-world utility and is used by people all over the world.


Algorand is a cryptocurrency that is secure, scalable, and decentralized. It is a good long-term investment because it has a strong team, active development, and real-world utility.

Here are some things to consider if you are thinking about investing in Algorand:

– The team behind Algorand is experienced and has a strong track record.

– Algorand is actively developed and has real-world utility.

– Algorand is secure, scalable, and decentralized.

Near protocol:

Near is a decentralized application platform that is designed to be scalable and developer-friendly. The protocol uses sharding to improve scalability and has a high degree of usability for developers. Near also has a number of partnerships with well-established companies, which gives it a strong foundation for future growth.

Overall, Near appears to be a strong contender in the world of cryptocurrency protocols. If you are considering investing in Near, we recommend doing your own research to make sure it aligns with your investment goals.

Bitcoin Cash:

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is a cryptocurrency that was created in August 2017 as a fork of the Bitcoin blockchain. BCH was created to address the scalability problems that were preventing Bitcoin from becoming a viable method of payment for everyday transactions. Since its inception, BCH has become one of the most popular cryptocurrencies in the world, with a market capitalization of over $4 billion.

Despite its relatively short history, BCH has already proven to be a popular investment choice for many people. The price of BCH has been on a steady rise since it was first created, and it shows no signs of slowing down. With its strong team of developers and growing adoption, BCH is looking like a strong long-term investment.


Flow is a smart contracts platform that was created by Xbox co-founder Alex Kipman and Blockstream CEO Adam Back. It is designed to be a more user-friendly and scalable alternative to Ethereum. The Flow blockchain uses a new type of account called an “actor” which can be controlled by multiple people. This allows for more complex smart contracts and dApps to be built on the Flow blockchain.

Flow also has a partnership with popular gaming company Ubisoft, which will allow gamers to use Flow tokens to purchase in-game items. This is a big deal because it could bring blockchain technology to the mainstream through the gaming industry.


Filecoin is a decentralized storage network that turns cloud storage into an incentivized market. The native token of the Filecoin network is used to pay storage providers for hosting files and retrieving them when needed. FIL is also the currency that miners earn for providing storage to the network.

Filecoin has been gaining traction since its mainnet launch in October 2020, with a growing number of users and storage providers joining the network. The Filecoin network is still in its early stage, but it has great potential to become a major player in the storage industry. given the current trends, we believe that Filecoin is a good long-term investment.

Shiba Inu:

Shiba Inu is a mock of Dogecoin that was created in August 2020. The Shiba Inu token (SHIB) was designed to be a meme coin, similar to Dogecoin. However, the Shiba Inu project has grown beyond its meme roots and has launched several products and services.

The most notable of these is the ShibaSwap decentralized exchange, which allows users to trade SHIB and other ERC-20 tokens.

Shiba Inu has seen explosive growth in 2021, with the price of SHIB increasing by over 1,000% since January 2021. The Shiba Inu project is still in its early stages, but it has great potential given the strong demand for meme coins and the fact that it is working on its own Blockchain.

Wrap up

Credits: Image by jamie452 from unsplash

In conclusion, long-term crypto investments offer a number of advantages. They are less risky and more stable than short-term investments. They have the potential to appreciate in value over time. And they offer the diversification, flexibility, and tax advantages. If you are looking for the best long-term crypto investments for 2023, then you should consider the assets listed in this article.

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1 Response

  1. November 15, 2022

    […] example, Bitcoin’s price fell by over 80% in 2018. Before investing in cryptocurrencies, you should be aware of the potential risks and be prepared to lose all of your […]